Tuesday, June 30, 2015

An STS JAAS LoginModule for Apache CXF

Last year I blogged about how to use JAAS with Apache CXF, and the different LoginModules that were available. Recently, I wrote another article about using a JDBC LoginModule with CXF. This article will cover a relatively new JAAS LoginModule  added to CXF for the 3.0.3 release. It allows a service to dispatch a Username and Password to a STS (Security Token Service) instance for authentication via the WS-Trust protocol, and also to retrieve the user's roles by extracting them from a SAML token returned by the STS.

1) The STS JAAS LoginModule

The new STS JAAS LoginModule is available in the CXF WS-Security runtime module. It takes a Username and Password from the Callbackhandler passed to the LoginModule, and uses them to create a WS-Security UsernameToken structure. What happens then depends on a configuration setting in the LoginModule.

If the "require.roles" property is set, then the UsernameToken is added to a WS-Trust "Issue" request to the STS, and a "TokenType" attribute is sent in the request (defaults to the standard "SAML2" URI, but can be configured). The client also adds a WS-Trust "Claim" to the request that tells the STS to add the role of the authenticated end user to the request. How the token is added to the WS-Trust request depends on whether the "disable.on.behalf.of" property is set or not. By default, the token is added as an "OnBehalfOf" token in the WS-Trust request. However, if "disable.on.behalf.of" is set to "true", then the credentials are used according to the WS-SecurityPolicy of the STS endpoint. For example, if the policy requires a UsernameToken, then the credentials are added to the security header of the WS-Trust request. If the "require.roles" property is not set, the the UsernameToken is added to a WS-Trust "Validate" request.

The STS validates the received UsernameToken credentials supplied by the end user, and then either creates a token (if the Issue binding was used), or just returns a simple response telling the client whether the validation was successful or not. In the former use-case, the token that is returned is cached meaning that the end user does not have to re-authenticate until the token expires from the cache.

The LoginModule has the following configuration properties:
  • require.roles - If this is defined, then the WS-Trust Issue binding is used, passing the value specified for the "token.type" property as the TokenType, and the "key.type" property for the KeyType. It also adds a Claim to the request for the default "role" URI.
  • disable.on.behalf.of - Whether to disable passing Username + Password credentials via "OnBehalfOf".
  • disable.caching - Whether to disable caching of validated credentials. Default is "false". Only applies when "require.roles" is defined.
  • wsdl.location - The location of the WSDL of the STS
  • service.name - The service QName of the STS
  • endpoint.name - The endpoint QName of the STS
  • key.size - The key size to use (if requesting a SymmetricKey KeyType). Defaults to 256.
  • key.type - The KeyType to use. Defaults to the standard "Bearer" URI.
  • token.type - The TokenType to use. Defaults to the standard "SAML2" URI.
  • ws.trust.namespace - The WS-Trust namespace to use. Defaults to the standard WS-Trust 1.3 namespace.
In addition, any of the standard CXF security configuration tags that start with "ws-security." can be used as documented here. Sometimes it is necessary to set some security configuration depending on the security policy of the WSDL.

Here is an example of the new JAAS LoginModule configuration:

2) A testcase for the new LoginModule

Using an STS via WS-Trust for authentication and authorization can be quite difficult to set up and understand, but the new LoginModule makes it easy. I created a testcase + uploaded it to github:
  • cxf-jaxrs-jaas-sts: This project demonstrates how to use the new STS JAAS LoginModule in CXF to authenticate and authorize a user. It contains a "double-it" module which contains a "double-it" JAX-RS service. It is secured with JAAS at the container level, and requires a role of "boss" to access the service. The "sts" module contains a Apache CXF STS web application which can authenticate users and issue SAML tokens with embedded roles.
To run the test, download Apache Tomcat and do "mvn clean install" in the testcase above. Then copy both wars and the jaas configuration file to the Apache Tomcat install (${catalina.home}):
  • cp double-it/target/cxf-double-it.war ${catalina.home}/webapps
  • cp sts/target/cxf-sts.war ${catalina.home}/webapps
  • cp double-it/src/main/resources/jaas.conf ${catalina.home}/conf
Next set the following system property:
  • export JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.security.auth.login.config=${catalina.home}/conf/jaas.conf
Finally, start Tomcat, open a web browser and navigate to:


Use credentials "alice/security" when prompted. The STS JAAS LoginModule takes the username and password, and dispatches them to the STS for validation.

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