1) Replay attacks on the WS-Security protocol
A replay attack in this context is when an adversary intercepts a WS-Security enabled message and sends it again to the original intended target of the message. As the message is a direct copy of the original (presumably valid) message, the normal security processing steps should pass without error. Therefore, some additional steps are required on both the initiator and recipient side to protect against these attacks.
2) Message initiator requirements
The initiator should take either or both of the following steps:
- If the initiator is including a UsernameToken in the message, the initiator should include a nonce in the UsernameToken. A nonce is a random String that can serve as an identifier for the message. The recipient can then cache this value for a certain time period and reject any subsequent message containing this nonce.
- The initiator should include a Timestamp in the security header of the message. This step alone provides a certain protection against a replay attack if it includes an Expires element, which the recipient should reject if it contains a value prior to the time the message was received at. The Created value of the Timestamp can also serve as the basis of a unique identifier to store in a replay cache.
A service provider that uses WS-SecurityPolicy can enforce the message requirements defined above on the client by doing the following:
- Use a <sp:HashPassword/> OR a <sp13:Nonce/> policy in the UsernameToken policy.
- Add a <sp:IncludeTimestamp/> to the binding policy.
4) Replay caching support in WSS4J
Apache WSS4J 1.6.5 provides support for detecting and preventing replay attacks by introducing the ReplayCache interface. A seperate ReplayCache instance is used to cache UsernameToken nonces and Timestamp Created / Signature Value Strings. WSS4J ships with a sample HashSet based implementation, which is not intended for production use. The default caching time for this implementation is 5 minutes - Timestamps are cached until their expiry time (if it exists), otherwise for 5 minutes.
The ReplayCache implementations to use can be configured via RequestData. No ReplayCache implementation is used by default for backwards compatibility reasons - to enable it you must implement the ReplayCache interface, and set the appropriate methods on RequestData.
5) Replay caching support in CXF.
Apache CXF 2.6 uses Ehcache to provide a suitable ReplayCache implementation to detect replay attacks. The default cache time for the Ehcache implementation is 60 minutes. No configuration is required for out-of-the-box support for replay attack detection on the message recipient side. Caching is not enabled by default on the inbound initiator side for efficiency reasons. Note that this functionality is available in Apache CXF 2.4.7 and 2.5.3, but is not enabled by default at all for backwards-compatibility reasons. Ehcache is an optional provided dependency for these releases, meaning that you will have to include it as a dependency and enable caching to get replay caching to work. If caching is enabled and Ehcache is not available, then CXF will fall back to using the default HashSet based implementation that ships with WSS4J. Note that this is not intended for production use and will entail performance penalties.
Apache CXF 2.6 provides support for configuring replay caching via the following JAX-WS properties:
- "ws-security.enable.nonce.cache" - The default value is "true" for message recipients, and "false" for message initiators. Set it to true to cache for both cases.
- "ws-security.enable.timestamp.cache" - This uses the same logic as above.
- "ws-security.nonce.cache.instance" - This holds a reference to a ReplayCache instance used to cache UsernameToken nonces. The default instance that is used is the EHCacheReplayCache.
- "ws-security.timestamp.cache.instance" - This uses the same logic as above.
- "ws-security.cache.config.file" - Set this property to point to a configuration file for the underlying caching implementation. By default the cxf-ehcache.xml file in the CXF rt-ws-security module is used.
Good tuto ! Thank's !
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