1) Batch Processing in the STS Provider framework
The STS implementation in CXF is based on the STS Provider framework in the security runtime, which is essentially an API that can be used to create your own STS implementation. The SEI (Service Endpoint Implementation) contains the following method that can be used for batch processing:
- RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType requestCollection(RequestSecurityTokenCollectionType requestCollection)
2) Batch Processing in the STS implementation
The STS ships with an implementation of the RequestCollectionOperation interface described above that can be used to perform batch processing. The TokenRequestCollectionOperation is essentially a wrapper for the other operations, and does no processing itself. It iterates through the request collection that was received, and checks that each request has the same RequestType. If not then an exception is thrown. It then dispatches each request to the appropriate operation. To support bulk processing for each individual operation, it is necessary to set the appropriate implementation for that operation on the TokenRequestCollectionOperation, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
3) Batch Processing example
Take a look at the following test to see how batch processing works in practice. In this test, the client requests two tokens via the (batch) issue binding, a SAML 1.1 and a SAML 2.0 token. The client then validates both tokens at the same time using the batch validate binding. The STSClient class used by the WS-Security runtime in CXF does not currently support bulk processing. Therefore, the test uses a custom STSClient implementation for this purpose.
The WSDL the STS uses two separate bindings for issue and validate, to cater for the fact that two separate SOAP Actions must be used for bulk issue and validate for the same operation. The STS configuration is available here. Note that the TokenRequestCollectionOperation is composed with the TokenIssueOperation and TokenValidateOperation, to be able to bulk issue and validate security tokens:
<bean class="org.apache.cxf.sts.operation.TokenRequestCollectionOperation" id="transportRequestCollectionDelegate"> <property name="issueSingleOperation" ref="transportIssueDelegate"> <property name="validateOperation" ref="transportValidateDelegate> </bean>
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