Monday, May 21, 2018

Securing web services using Talend's Open Studio for ESB - part II

This is the second article in a series on securing web services using Talend's Open Studio for ESB. In the first article, we looked at how Talend's Open Studio for ESB can be used to design and test a SOAP web service, and also how we can create a client job that invokes on this service. In this article, we will show how to deploy the service and client we created previously in the Talend ESB runtime container.

1) The Talend ESB runtime container

When we downloaded Talend Open Studio for ESB (see the first article), we launched the Talend Studio via the "Studio" directory to design and test our "double it" SOAP service. However, the ability to "Run" the SOAP Service in the Studio is only suitable for testing the design of the service. Once we are ready to deploy a service or client we have created in the Studio, we will need a suitable runtime container, something that is available in the "Runtime_ESBSE" directory in the Talend Open Studio for ESB distribution. The runtime container in question is a powerful and enterprise-ready container based on Apache Karaf. We can start it in the "Runtime_ESBSE/container" directory via "bin/trun":

By default, the Talend ESB runtime starts with a set of default "bundles" (which can be viewed with "la"). All of the libraries that we require will be started automatically, so no further work is required here.

2) Export the service and client job from the Studio

To deploy the SOAP "double it" service, and client job, we need to export them from the Studio. Right click on the "Double It" service in the left-hand menu, and first select "ESB Runtime Options", ticking "Log Messages" so that we can see the input/output messages of the service when we look at the logs. Then, right click again on "Double It" and select "Export Service" and save the resulting .kar file locally.

Before exporting the client job, we need to make one minor change. The default port that the Studio used for the "double it" SOAP service (8090) is different to that of Karaf (8040). Click on "tESBConsumer" and change the port number in the address to "8040". Then after saving, right click on the double it client job and select "Build job". Under "Build Type" select "OSGI bundle for ESB", and click "Finish" to export the job:

3) Deploy the service and client jobs to the Runtime Container

Finally, we need to deploy the service and client jobs to the Runtime Container. First, copy the service .kar file into "Runtime_ESBSE/container/deploy". This will automatically deploy the service in Karaf (something that can be verified by running "la" in the console - you should see the service as the last bundle on the list). Then also copy the client jar into the "deploy" directory. The response will be output in the console window (due to the tLogRow component), and the full message can be seen in the server logs ("log/tesb.log"):

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