Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Securing web services using Talend's Open Studio for ESB - part III

This is the third article in a series on securing web services using Talend's Open Studio for ESB. In the first article, we looked at how to design and test a SOAP web service in the Studio, and how to create a client job to invoke on it. In the second article we looked at deploying the jobs in the Talend ESB runtime container. In this article, we will look at how to secure the SOAP webservice we are deploying in the container, by requiring the client to authenticate using a WS-Security UsernameToken.

1) Secure the "double-it" webservice by requiring clients to authenticate

First we will secure the "double-it" webservice we have designed in the Studio in the first article, by requiring clients to authenticate using a WS-Security UsernameToken. Essentially what this means is that the client adds a SOAP header to the request containing username and password values, which then must be authenticated by the service. UsernameToken authentication can be configured for a service in the Studio, by right-clicking on the "DoubleIt 0.1" Service in the left-hand menu and selecting "ESB Runtime Options". Under "ESB Service Security" select "Username/Password". Select "OK" and export the service again as detailed in the second article.

Now start the container and deploy the modified service. Note that what selecting the "Username/Password" actually does in the container is to enforce the policy that is stored in 'etc/org.talend.esb.job.token.policy', which is a WS-SecurityPolicy assertion that requires that a UsernameToken must always be sent to the service. Now deploy the client job - you will see an error in the Console along the lines of:

{http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server|These policy alternatives can not be satisfied:

This is due to the fact that we have not yet configured the client job to send a
UsernameToken in the request.

2) How authentication works in the container

So far we have required clients to authenticate to the service, but we have not said anything about how the service actually authenticates the credentials that it receives. Apache Karaf uses JAAS realms to handle authentication and authorization. Typing "jaas:realm-list" in the container shows the list of JAAS realms that are installed:

Here we can see that the (default) JAAS realm of "karaf" has been configured with a number of JAAS Login Modules. In particular, in index 1, the PropertiesLoginModule authenticates users against entries in 'etc/users.properties'. This file contains entries that map a username to a password, as well as an optional number of groups. It also contains entries mapping groups to roles. In this example though we are solely concerned with authentication. The service will extract the username and password from the security header of the request and will compare them to the values in 'etc/users.properties'. If there is a match then a user is deemed to be authenticated and the request can proceed.

In a real-world deployment, we can authenticate to users stored in a database or in an LDAP directory server, by configuring a JAAS Realm with the appropriate LoginModules (see the Karaf security guide for a list of available Login Modules).

3) Update the client job to include a UsernameToken

Finally we have to update the client job to include a UsernameToken in the Studio. Open the "tESBConsumer" component and select "Use Authentication", and then select the "Username Token" authentication type. Enter "tesb" for the username and password values (this is one of the default users defined in 'etc/users.properties' in the container).

Now save the job and build and deploy it as per the second tutorial. The job request should succeed, with the response message printed in the console. Examining 'log/tesb.log' it is possible to see what the client request looks like:

In the next article we'll look at authentication using SAML tokens.

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