Friday, June 8, 2018

Securing web services using Talend's Open Studio for ESB - part IV

This is the fourth article in a series on securing web services using Talend's Open Studio for ESB. In the previous article, we looked at how to secure a SOAP webservice in the Talend container, by requiring the client to authenticate using a WS-Security UsernameToken. In this post we will look at an alternative means of authenticating clients using a SAML token, which the client obtains from a Security Token Service (STS) also deployed in the Talend container. This is more sophisticated than the UsernameToken approach, as we can embed claims as attributes in the SAML Assertion, thus allowing the service provider to also make authorization decisions. However, in this article we will just focus on authentication.

1) Secure the "double-it" webservice by requiring clients to authenticate

As in the previous article, first we will secure the "double-it" webservice we have designed in the Studio in the first article, by requiring clients to authenticate using a SAML Token, which is conveyed in the security header of the request. SAML authentication can be configured for a service in the Studio, by right-clicking on the "DoubleIt 0.1" Service in the left-hand menu and selecting "ESB Runtime Options". Under "ESB Service Security" select "SAML Token". Select "OK" and export the service again as detailed in the second article.

Now start the container and deploy the modified service. Note that what selecting the "SAML Token" actually does in the container is to enforce the policy that is stored in 'etc/org.talend.esb.job.saml.policy', which is a WS-SecurityPolicy assertion that requires that a SAML 2.0 token containing an X.509 certificate associated with the client (subject) must be sent to the service. In addition, a Timestamp must be included in the security header of the request, and signed by the private key associated with the X.509 certificate in the Assertion.

2) Update the client job to include a SAML Token in the request

Next we have to update the client job to include a SAML Token in the Studio. Open the "tESBConsumer" component and select "Use Authentication", and then select the "SAML Token" authentication type. The propagation options are not required for this task - they are used when a SOAP Service is an intermediary service, and wishes to get a new SAML Token "On Behalf Of" a token that it received. Enter "tesb" for the username and password values (this is one of the default users defined in 'etc/' in the container). Now save the job and build it.

3) Start the STS in the container and deploy the client job

Once the client job has been deployed to the container, it will first attempt to get a SAML Token from the STS. Various properties used by the client to communicate with the STS are defined in 'etc/org.talend.esb.job.client.sts.cfg'. The Talend runtime container ships with a fully fledged STS. Clients can obtain a SAML Token by including a username/password in the request, which the STS in turn authenticates using JAAS (see section 2 in the previous article). Start the STS in container via:
  • tesb:start-sts
Now deploy the client job, and it should succeed, with the response message printed in the console. The log 'log/tesb.log' includes the client request and service response messages - in the client request you can see the SAML Assertion included in the security header of the message.

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