- org.apache.ws.security.saml.issuerClass - The SAML Issuer implementation (defaults to "org.apache.ws.security.saml.SAMLIssuerImpl").
- org.apache.ws.security.saml.issuer.cryptoProp.file - The crypto properties file corresponding to the issuer crypto instance, if the assertion is to be signed.
- org.apache.ws.security.saml.issuer.key.name - The KeyStore alias for the issuer key.
- org.apache.ws.security.saml.issuer.key.password - The KeyStore password for the issuer key.
- org.apache.ws.security.saml.issuer - The issuer name
- org.apache.ws.security.saml.issuer.sendKeyValue - Whether to send the key value or the X509Certificate. Defaults to: "false".
- org.apache.ws.security.saml.subjectNameId.name - The Subject DN.
- org.apache.ws.security.saml.subjectNameId.qualifier - The Subject qualifier.
- org.apache.ws.security.saml.authenticationMethod - The authentication method (e.g. "password").
- org.apache.ws.security.saml.confirmationMethod - The confirmation method, either "senderVouches" or "keyHolder".
The following configuration tags in WSS4J 1.6 are exactly the same as in WSS4J 1.5.x:
- org.apache.ws.security.saml.issuerClass - The SAML Issuer implementation (defaults to "org.apache.ws.security.saml.SAMLIssuerImpl").
- org.apache.ws.security.saml.issuer.cryptoProp.file - The crypto properties file corresponding to the issuer crypto instance, if the assertion is to be signed.
- org.apache.ws.security.saml.issuer.key.name - The KeyStore alias for the issuer key.
- org.apache.ws.security.saml.issuer.key.password - The KeyStore password for the issuer key.
- org.apache.ws.security.saml.issuer - The issuer name
- org.apache.ws.security.saml.issuer.sendKeyValue - Whether to send the key value or the X509Certificate. Defaults to: "false".
- org.apache.ws.security.saml.issuer.signAssertion - Whether the SAMLIssuer implementation will sign the assertion or not. Defaults to: "false".
- org.apache.ws.security.saml.callback - The name of the SAML CallbackHandler implementation used to populate the SAML Assertion.