Thursday, April 25, 2013

Apache CXF 2.7.4 released

Apache CXF 2.7.4 (and 2.6.7 + 2.5.10) have been released. Users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the latest versions, due to a critical security issue which must remain undisclosed for the moment. These latest releases pick up Apache Santuario 1.5.4 and Apache WSS4J 1.6.10. In addition to the fixes in these projects, CXF 2.7.4 contains a number of security fixes of interest.

1) WS-SecurityPolicy fixes

A large number of negative tests for WS-Security(Policy) were added to CXF to try to smoke out some remaining issues surrounding validating a request against a defined security policy. The following issues were fixed as a result:
  • Layout policies "LaxTimestampFirst" and "LaxTimestampLast" were not validated correctly.
  • X509Token "PKI" policies were not validated correctly.
  • The "OnlySignEntireHeadersAndBody" policy was not validated correctly.
  • The "ProtectTokens" policy was not validated correctly in conjunction with EndorsingSupportingTokens.
  • SAML Token versions weren't validated against policy versions in certain circumstances.
2) Populating the SecurityContext from a JAAS Subject from WSS4J

An additional improvement to the WS-Security layer in CXF is that the SecurityContext is now populated from a JAAS Subject from WSS4J, if one is available. For example, if you are using a custom UsernameTokenValidator with WSS4J to validate a received UsernameToken via JAAS, and are returning the Subject (as per WSS4J's JAASUsernameTokenValidator), then CXF will attempt to extract roles from the Subject and populate the SecurityContext accordingly. The advantage of this is that a user can check the standard SecurityContext methods (e.g. "isUserInRole") to perform authorization.

This is controlled by two JAX-WS properties (see the documentation for more information):
  • ws-security.role.classifier - The Subject Role Classifier to use.  If this value is not specified, then it tries to get roles using the DefaultSecurityContext in cxf-rt-core. Otherwise it uses this value in combination with the "ws-security.role.classifier.type" property to get the roles from the Subject.
  • ws-security.role.classifier.type - The Subject Role Classifier Type to use. Currently accepted values are "prefix" or "classname". Must be used in conjunction with the "ws-security.role.classifier". The default value is "prefix".
3) STS fixes

The SecurityTokenService (STS) fixes contained in this release are:
  • The STS Client was not always sending an "AppliesTo" address in a request to the STS, depending on how the STS Client was deployed.
  • The STS Client was always using the "old" WS-Policy namespace for "AppliesTo", instead of getting the namespace from the policy.
  • The STS now supports processing Claims in a request that are retrieved from a security policy as "IssuedToken/Claims". Previously, it would only issue claims that were contained in a "RequestSecurityTokenTemplate" policy. 
4) CVE-2012-5575

Finally, a note on security advisory CVE-2012-5575 was added to the CXF security advisories page. This attack exploits the fact that Apache CXF will attempt to decrypt arbitrary ciphertexts, without first checking to see if the algorithm corresponds to the given encryption algorithm defined by the WS-SecurityPolicy AlgorithmSuite definition. This can be exploited by chosen ciphertext attacks to retrieve the plaintext. Please note that this issue has been fixed since CXF 2.5.7, 2.6.4, and 2.7.1.

1 comment:

  1. In regards to item 2, does CXF have any support for propagating this to the Spring SecurityContext so that the principal in it has the authorities populated?
