Tuesday, December 2, 2014

XML Security using Apache Camel

I have previously covered how to use Apache Santuario to sign and encrypt XML, using both the DOM and StAX based APIs available in the 2.0.x releases. An alternative to using Apache Santuario directly to sign/encrypt XML, is to use the XML Security component or data format of Apache Camel. There are two obvious reasons to use Camel that immediately spring to mind. Firstly it allows you to configure XML Signature/Encryption without writing any code (e.g. by configuring the components in Spring). Secondly it allows you to take advantage of the power and flexibility of Apache Camel to integrate with a wide variety of components.

I have created a github project with two (almost identical) tests to show how to use XML Signature and Encryption in Apache Camel:
Both tests start routes which read in XML documents stored in src/test/resources/data using the Camel File component. The part of the documents which contain credit card information is then signed/encrypted, and the resulting file placed in the target/(encrypted/signed)-data folder. A second route reads files in from this folder, decrypts/verifies the file and then places it in the target/(decrypted/verified)-data folder.

The encryption configuration file is available here, and the signature configuration file is here. One difference you may notice is that encryption is configured using a "marshal/unmarshal" tag and then "secureXML", whereas for signature you can use a standard Camel "To" statement, e.g. "
<to uri="xmlsecurity:sign://enveloped?keyAccessor...". This is due to the fact that XML Encryption is implemented in Camel as a data format, whereas XML Signature is implemented as a component.

Both tests also use the Camel Jasypt component to avoid hard-coding plaintext passwords in the spring configuration files. The keystore and private key passwords and stored encrypted in a special passwords file. The master secret used to decrypt the passwords is retrieved via a system property (set in the pom.xml as part of the tests).

The testcase relies on a SNAPSHOT version of Apache Camel for now (2.15-SNAPSHOT) due to a number of fixes I added. Firstly, the DefaultKeySelector used to retrieve keys for signature did not previously support taking a Camel
keyStoreParameters Object. Secondly, the DefaultKeySelector did not support working with the Camel Jasypt component to encrypt the keystore password.  Thirdly, it wasn't possible to load a Public Key from a PrivateKeyEntry in a Keystore for XML Signature. Fourthly, the XML Encryption data format did not support embedding the KeyValue of the Public Key used to encrypt the session key in the EncryptedKey structure.

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