Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Using a JDBC JAAS LoginModule with Apache CXF

Last year I wrote a blog entry giving an overview of the different ways that you can use JAAS with Apache CXF for authenticating and authorizing web service calls. I also covered some different login modules and linked to samples for authenticating a Username + Password to LDAP, as well as Kerberos Tokens to a KDC. This article covers how to use JAAS with Apache CXF to authenticate a Username + Password to a database via JDBC.

The test-case is available here:
  • cxf-jdbc: This project contains a number of tests that show how an Apache CXF service endpoint can authenticate and authorize a client using JDBC.
It contains two tests, one dealing with authentication (no roles required by the service) and the other with authorization (a specific role is required). Both tests involve a JAX-WS service invocation, where the service requires a WS-Security UsernameToken over TLS. In each case, the service configures Apache WSS4J's JAASUsernameTokenValidator using the context name "jetty". The JAAS configuration file contains an entry for the "jetty" context, which references the Jetty JDBCLoginModule:

The configuration of the JDBCLoginModule is easy to follow. The "dbUrl" refers to the JDBC connection URL (in this case an in-memory Apache Derby instance). The table containing user data is "app.users", where the fields used for usernames and passwords are "name" and "password" respectively. Similarly, the table containing role data is "app.roles", where the fields used for usernames + roles are "name" and "role" respectively.

The tests use Apache Derby as an in-memory database. It is created in code as follows:

Then the following SQL file is read in, and each statement is executed using the statement Object above:

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