Thursday, July 16, 2015

Apache CXF Fediz 1.2.0 tutorial - part IV

This is the fourth in a series of blog posts on the new features and changes in Apache CXF Fediz 1.2.0. The last two articles focused on how clients can authenticate to the IdP in Fediz 1.2.0 using Kerberos and TLS client authentication. In this post we will divert our attention from the IdP for the time being, and look at a new container-independent Relying Party (RP) plugin available in Fediz 1.2.0 based on Apache CXF.

1) RP plugins in Fediz

Apache Fediz ships with a number of RP plugins to secure your web application. These plugins are container-dependent, meaning that if your web app is deployed in say Apache Tomcat, you need to use the Tomcat plugin in Fediz. The following plugins were available prior to Fediz 1.2.0:
The CXF plugin referred to here was not a full WS-Federation RP plugin as in the other modules. Instead, it consisted of a mechanism that allows the SSO (SAML) token retrieved as part of the WS-Federation process to be used by CXF client code, if the web application needed to obtain another token "on behalf of" the other token when making some subsequent web services call.

2) CXF RP plugin in Fediz 1.2.0

In Fediz 1.2.0, the CXF plugin mentioned above now contains a fully fledged WS-Federation RP implementation that can be used to secure a JAX-RS service, rather than using one of the container dependent plugins. Lets see how this works using a test-case:
  • cxf-fediz-federation-sso: This project shows how to use the new CXF plugin of Apache Fediz 1.2.0 to authenticate and authorize clients of a JAX-RS service using WS-Federation.
The test-case consists of two modules. The first is a web application which contains a simple JAX-RS service, which has a single GET method to return a doubled number. The method is secured with a @RolesAllowed annotation, meaning that only a user in roles "User", "Admin", or "Manager" can access the service.

This is enforced via CXF's SecureAnnotationsInterceptor. Finally WS-Federation is enabled for the service via the JAX-RS Provider called the FedizRedirectBindingFilter, available in the CXF plugin in Fediz. This takes a "configFile" parameter, which is a link to the standard Fediz plugin configuration file:

It's as easy as this to secure your CXF JAX-RS service using WS-Federation! The remaining module in the test above deploys the IdP + STS from Fediz in Apache Tomcat. It then takes the "double-it" war above and also deployed it in Tomcat.

Finally, it uses Htmlunit to make an invocation on the service, and checks that access is granted to the service. Alternatively, you can comment the @Ignore annotation of the "testInBrowser" method, and copy the printed out URL into a browser to test the service directly (user credentials: "alice/ecila").

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