Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Invoking on the Talend ESB STS using SoapUI

Talend ESB ships with a powerful SecurityTokenService (STS) based on the STS that ships with Apache CXF. The Talend Open Studio for ESB contains UI support for creating web service clients that use the STS to obtain SAML tokens for authentication (and also authorization via roles embedded in the tokens). However, it is sometimes useful to be able to obtain tokens with a third party client. In this post we will show how SoapUI can be used to obtain SAML Tokens from the Talend ESB STS.

1) Download and run Talend Open Studio for ESB

The first step is to download Talend Open Studio for ESB (the current version at the time of writing this post is 6.2.1). Unzip it and start the container via:
  • Runtime_ESBSE/container/bin/trun
The next step is to start the STS itself:
  • tesb:start-sts
2) Download and run SoapUI

Download SoapUI and run the installation script. Create a new SOAP Project called "STS" using the WSDL:
  • http://localhost:8040/services/SecurityTokenService/UT?wsdl
The WSDL of the STS defines a number of different services. The one we are interested in is the "UT_Binding", which requires a WS-Security UsernameToken to authenticate the client. Click on "UT_Binding/Issue/Request 1" in the left-hand menu to see a sample request for the service. Now we need to do some editing of the request. Remove the 'Context="?"' attribute from RequestSecurityToken. Then paste the following into the Body of the RequestSecurityToken:
  • <t:TokenType xmlns:t=""></t:TokenType>
  • <t:KeyType xmlns:t=""></t:KeyType>
  • <t:RequestType xmlns:t=""></t:RequestType>
Now we need to configure a username and password to use when authenticating the client request. In the "Request Properties" box in the lower left corner, add "tesb" for the "username" and "password" properties. Now right click in the request pane, and select "Add WSS Username Token" (Password Text). Now send the request and you should receive a SAML Token in response.

Bear in mind that if you wish to re-use the SAML Token retrieved from the STS in a subsequent request, you must copy it from the "Raw" tab and not the "XML" tab of the response. The latter adds in whitespace that breaks the signature on the token. Another thing to watch out for is that the STS maintains a cache of the Username Token nonce values, so you will need to recreate the UsernameToken each time you want to get a new token.

3) Requesting a "PublicKey" KeyType

The example above uses a "Bearer" KeyType. Another common use-case, as is the case with the security-enabled services developed using the Talend Studio, is when the token must have the PublicKey/Certificate of the client embedded in it. To request such a token from the STS, change the "Bearer" KeyType as above to "PublicKey". However, we also need to present a certificate to the STS to include in the token.

As we are just using the test credentials used by the Talend STS, go to the Runtime_ESBSE/container/etc/keystores and extract the client key with:
  • keytool -exportcert -rfc -keystore clientstore.jks -alias myclientkey -file client.cer -storepass cspass
Edit client.cer + remove the first and end lines (that contain BEGIN/END CERTIFICATE). Now go back to SOAP-UI and add the following to the RequestSecurityToken Body:
  • <t:UseKey xmlns:t=""><ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds=""><ds:X509Data><ds:X509Certificate>...</ds:X509Certificate></ds:X509Data></ds:KeyInfo></t:UseKey>
where the content of the X.509 Certificate is the content in client.cer. This time, the token issued by the STS will contain the public key of the client embedded in the SAML Subject.

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