Friday, June 30, 2017

Securing Apache Solr - part III

This is the third post in a series of articles on securing Apache Solr. The first post looked at setting up a sample SolrCloud instance and securing access to it via Basic Authentication. The second post looked at how the Apache Ranger admin service can be configured to store audit information in Apache Solr. In this post we will extend the example in the first article to include authorization, by showing how to create and enforce authorization policies using Apache Ranger.

1) Install the Apache Ranger Solr plugin

The first step is to install the Apache Ranger Solr plugin. Download Apache Ranger and verify that the signature is valid and that the message digests match. Now extract and build the source, and copy the resulting plugin to a location where you will configure and install it:
  • mvn clean package assembly:assembly -DskipTests
  • tar zxvf target/ranger-${version}-solr-plugin.tar.gz
  • mv ranger-${version}-solr-plugin ${ranger.solr.home}
Now go to ${ranger.solr.home} and edit "". You need to specify the following properties:
  • POLICY_MGR_URL: Set this to "http://localhost:6080"
  • REPOSITORY_NAME: Set this to "solr_service".
  • COMPONENT_INSTALL_DIR_NAME: The location of your Apache Solr server directory
Save "" and install the plugin as root via "sudo -E ./". Make sure that the user who is running Solr can read the "/etc/ranger/solr_service/policycache". Now follow the first tutorial to get an example SolrCloud instance up and running with a "gettingstarted" collection. We will not enable the authorization plugin just yet.

2) Create authorization policies for Solr using the Apache Ranger Admin service

Now follow the second tutorial to download and install the Apache Ranger admin service. To avoid conflicting with the Solr example we are securing, we will skip the section about auditing to Apache Solr (sections 3 and 4). In addition, in section 5 the "audit_store" property can be left empty, and the Solr audit properties can be omitted. Start the Apache Ranger admin service via: "sudo ranger-admin start", and open a browser at "http://localhost:6080", logging on with "admin/admin" credentials. Click on the "+" button for the Solr service and create a new service with the following properties:
  • Service Name: solr_service
  • Username: alice
  • Password: SolrRocks
  • Solr URL: http://localhost:8983/solr
Hit the "Test Connection" button and it should show that it has successfully connected to Solr. Click "Add" and then click on the "solr_service" link that is subsequently created. We will grant a policy that allows "alice" the ability to read the "gettingstarted" collection. If "alice" is not already created, go to "Settings/User+Groups" and create a new user there. Delete the default policy that is created in the "solr_service" and then click on "Add new policy" and create a new policy called "gettingstarted_policy". For "Solr Collection" enter "g" here and the "gettingstarted" collection should pop up. Add a new "allow condition" granting the user "alice" the "others" and "query" permissions.

3) Test authorization using the Apache Ranger plugin for Solr

Now we are ready to enable the Apache Ranger authorization plugin for Solr. Download the following security configuration which enables Basic Authentication in Solr as well as the Apache Ranger authorization plugin:
Now upload this configuration to the Apache Zookeeper instance that is running with Solr:
  • server/scripts/cloud-scripts/ -zkhost localhost:9983 -cmd putfile /security.json security.json
 Now let's try to query the "gettingstarted" collection as 'alice':
  • curl -u alice:SolrRocks http://localhost:8983/solr/gettingstarted/query?q=author_s:Arthur+Miller
This should be successful. However, authorization will fail for the case of "bob":
  • curl -u bob:SolrRocks http://localhost:8983/solr/gettingstarted/query?q=author_s:Arthur+Miller
In addition, although "alice" can query the collection, she can't write to it, and the following query will return 403:
  • curl -u alice:SolrRocks http://localhost:8983/solr/gettingstarted/update -d '[ {"id" : "book4", "title_t" : "Hamlet", "author_s" : "William Shakespeare"}]'

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