Friday, June 15, 2018

Securing web services using Talend's Open Studio for ESB - part V

This is the fifth article in a series on securing web services using Talend's Open Studio for ESB. So far we have seen how to design a SOAP service and client in the Studio, how to deploy them to the Talend runtime container, and how to secure them using a UsernameToken and SAML token. In addition to designing 'jobs', the Studio also offers the ability to create a 'route'. Routes leverage the capabilities and components of Apache Camel, which is a popular integration framework. In this article, we will design a route to invoke on the SAML-secured service we configured in the previous tutorial, instead of using a job.

1) Create a route to invoke on the "double-it" service

In the Studio, right-click on 'Routes' in the left-hand pane, and select 'Create Route' and create a new route called 'DoubleItClientRoute'. Select the 'cTimer', 'cSetBody', 'cSOAP' and 'cLog' components from the palette on the right-hand side and drag them into the route window from left to right. Link the components up by right clicking on each component, and selecting 'Row' and then 'Route' and left-clicking on the next component over:

Now let's configure each component in turn. The 'cTimer' component is used to start the route. You can run the route an arbitrary number of times with a specified delay, or else specify a start time to run the route. For now just enter '1' for 'Repeat' as we want to run the route once. Now click on the 'cSetBody' component. This is used to specify the Body of the request we are going to make on the remote (SOAP) service. For simplicity we will just hard-code the SOAP Body, so select 'CONSTANT' as the Language and input '"<ns2:DoubleItRequest xmlns:ns2=\"\">60</ns2:DoubleItRequest>"' for the expression:

Now we will configure the 'cSOAP' component. First, deploy the SAML-secured SOAP service on the container (see previous tutorial) so that we have access to the WSDL. Double-click 'cSOAP' and enter 'http://localhost:8040/services/DoubleIt?wsdl' for the WSDL and hit the reload icon on the right-hand side and click 'Finish'. We will use the default dataformat of 'PAYLOAD' (the SOAP Body contents we set in 'cSetBody'). Select 'Use Authentication' and then pick "SAML Token". Input 'tesb' for the Username and Password values, and save the route.

2) Deploy the route to the container

Right click on the route name in the left-hand pane and select 'Build Route' to build the .kar file. In the container where the SAML-secured service should already be running, start the STS with 'tesb:start-sts', and then copy the client route .kar file into the 'deploy' folder. Consult the log in 'log/tesb.log' and you will see the successful service response as follows:

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