Friday, August 24, 2018

OpenId Connect support for the Apache Syncope admin console

Apache Syncope is a powerful open source Identity Management project at the Apache Software Foundation. Last year I wrote a blog entry about how to log in to the Syncope admin and end-user web consoles using SAML SSO, showing how it works using Apache CXF Fediz as the SAML SSO IdP. In addition to SAML SSO, Apache Syncope supports logging in using OpenId Connect from version 2.0.9. In this post we will show how to configure this using the docker image for Apache CXF Fediz that we covered recently.

1) Configuring the Apache CXF Fediz OIDC IdP

First we will show how to set up the Apache CXF Fediz OpenId Connect IdP. Follow section (1) of this post about starting the Apache CXF Fediz IdP in docker. Once the IdP has started via "docker-compose up", open a browser and navigate to "https://localhost:10002/fediz-oidc/console/clients". This is the client registration page of the Fediz OIDC IdP. Authenticate using credentials "alice" (password "ecila") and register a new client for Apache Syncope using the redirect URI "http://localhost:9080/syncope-console/oidcclient/code-consumer". Click on the registered client and save the client Id and Secret for later:

2) Configuring Apache Syncope to support OpenId Connect

In this section, we will cover setting up Apache Syncope to support OpenId Connect. Download and extract the most recent standalone distribution release of Apache Syncope (2.1.1 was used in this post). Before starting Apache Syncope, we need to configure a truststore corresponding to the certificate used by the Apache CXF Fediz OIDC IdP. This can be done on linux via for example:
  • export CATALINA_OPTS=""
where "idp-ssl-trust.jks" is available with the docker configuration for Fediz here. Start the embedded Apache Tomcat instance and then open a web browser and navigate to "http://localhost:9080/syncope-console", logging in as "admin" and "password".

Apache Syncope is configured with some sample data to show how it can be used. Click on "Users" and add a new user called "alice" by clicking on the subsequent "+" button. Specify a password for "alice" and then select the default values wherever possible (you will need to specify some required attributes, such as "surname"). Now in the left-hand column, click on "Extensions" and then "OIDC Client". Add a new OIDC Client, specifying the client ID + Secret that you saved earlier and click "Next". Then specify the following values (obtained from "https://localhost:10002/fediz-oidc/.well-known/openid-configuration"):
  • Issuer: https://localhost:10002
  • Authorization Endpoint: https://localhost:10002/fediz-oidc/idp/authorize
  • Token Endpoint: https://localhost:10002/fediz-oidc/oauth2/token
  • JWKS URI: https://localhost:10002/fediz-oidc/jwk/keys
Click "Next". Now we need to add a mapping from the user we authenticated at the IdP and the internal user in Syncope ("alice"). Add a mapping from internal attribute "username" to external attribute "preferred_username" as follows:

Now log out and select the "Open Id Connect" dialogue that should have appeared. You will be redirected to the Apache CXF Fediz OIDC IdP for authentication and then redirected back to Apache Syncope, where you will be automatically logged in as the user "alice".

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