Thursday, August 23, 2018

SAML SSO Logout support in Apache CXF Fediz

SAML SSO support was added to the Apache CXF Fediz IdP in version 1.3.0. In addition, SAML SSO support was added to the Tomcat 8 plugin from the 1.4.4 release. However, unlike for the WS-Federation protocol, support was not included for SAML SSO logout. That's going to change from the next 1.4.5 release. In this post we will cover how logout works in general for both protocols, across both the IdP and Relying Party (RP) plugins.

1) Logging out from the Apache CXF Fediz IdP

a) WS-Federation

Follow the previous post I wrote about experimenting with Apache CXF Fediz in docker and start the Fediz IdP and the 'fedizhelloworld' application (supporting WS-Federation and not SAML SSO) in docker. Login to the 'fedizhelloworld' application (and to the IdP) by navigating to 'https://localhost:8443/fedizhelloworld/secure/fedservlet' in a browser and logging on with credentials of 'alice'/'ecila'.

We can log out directly to the IdP by navigating to 'https://localhost:10001/fediz-idp/federation?wa=wsignout1.0'. As our IdpEntity configuration in 'entities-realma.xml' has the property "rpSingleSignOutConfirmation" set to "true", a sign out confirmation page is displayed asking us if we want to log out from the 'fedizhelloworld' application.

If we click on the "Logout" button then what happens next depends on whether we supplied a "wreply" parameter or not. If no parameter is supplied then a successful logout page is shown at the IdP. Otherwise we have the option of supplying a "wreply" parameter to return to the RP application after logout is successful. For this to work, the IdPEntity configuration bean must have the property "automaticRedirectToRpAfterLogout" set to "true". In addition, the "wreply" address must match a regular expression supplied by the "logoutEndpointConstraint" property of the matching "ApplicationEntity" bean for 'fedizhelloworld'.


Support was added to the Apache CXF Fediz for SAML SSO logout in the forthcoming 1.4.5 release. The client sends a LogoutRequest to the IdP as follows:
After checking the Signature and doing some validation on the request (e.g. checking the destination), then a sign out confirmation page is displayed as per the WS-Federation case above (if the property "rpSingleSignOutConfirmation" set to "true). Once the user clicks on "Logout" then either a logout page is displayed on the IdP, or else a LogoutResponse is returned to the client (if the property "automaticRedirectToRpAfterLogout" set to "true"). In addition, the URL to redirect back to must be specified in the 'ApplicationEntity' configuration in "entities-realma.xml" under the property "logoutEndpoint".

2) Logging out from the RP application

a) WS-Federation

Next we'll turn our attention to logging out from the 'fedizhelloworld' application, secured by WS-Federation. Log in again to the application by navigating to 'https://localhost:8443/fedizhelloworld/secure/fedservlet'. There are a number of different ways of logging out from the application:
  • Specify a "wa=wsignout1.0" query parameter. This logs the user out and redirects to the IdP to log the user out there.
  • Specify a "wa=wsignoutcleanup1.0" query parameter. This logs the user out and either redirects to a URL supplied by the "wreply" parameter (which must match the configuration item "logoutRedirectTo" or "logoutRedirectToConstraint"), or alternatively to the "logoutRedirectTo" configuration item if no "wreply" parameter is specified. 
  • If the URL matches the configuration item "logoutURL". The default behaviour here is to log the user out and redirect to the IdP to log the user out there as well.
Feel free to experiment with these options with 'fedizhelloworld'.


Support was added for SAML SSO logout support in the Tomcat plugin for the forthcoming 1.4.5 release. If the user navigates to the logout URL configured in fediz_config.xml ("logoutURL") then the user is logged out and a 'LogoutRequest' is sent to the IdP. If a 'LogoutResponse' is received from the IdP then it is processed and the user is redirected to the page specified in the "logoutRedirectTo" configuration item afterwards.

Follow the steps in the previous post to change the Fediz IdP and 'fedizhelloworld' docker images to use SAML SSO. When changing the IdP configuration, edit 'entities-realma.xml' and change the value for 'automaticRedirectToRpAfterLogout' to 'true'. Also add the following property to the ApplicationEntity bean for "srv-fedizhelloworld":
  • <property name="logoutEndpoint" value="https://localhost:8443/fedizhelloworld/index.html"/>
Now log on to the RP via 'https://localhost:8443/fedizhelloworld/secure/fedservlet' and log out via 'https://localhost:8443/fedizhelloworld/secure/logout'. You will be logged out of both the RP and the IdP and redirected to a landing page on the RP side.

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