As a prerequisite to this tutorial, follow the first tutorial to set up Apache Knox as well as the backend Apache Hadoop cluster we are trying to obtain a file from.
1) Configure the Apache Knox SSO service
For the purposes of this tutorial we are going to use the SAML SSO Identity Provider. First we'll configure the Knox SSO service. Copy "conf/topologies/knoxsso.xml" to "conf/topologies/knoxssopac4jsaml.xml". Now edit it and delete the "ShiroProvider" provider and add the following provider instead (which leverages the Pac4j project):
Note that one of the configuration parameters references the SAML SSO RP (Relying Party) Metadata file, which we will need to configure the IdP. Luckily Apache Knox will generate this for us on the first call. Open a browser and navigate to the following URL:
- https://localhost:8443/gateway/knoxssopac4jsaml/api/v1/websso
2) Secure a topology using the "SSOCookieProvider" provider
In section 2 of this earlier tutorial, we showed how to secure a topology using the "SSOCookieProvider" provider. Copy "conf/topologies/sandbox-sso.xml" to "conf/topologies/sandbox-ssopac4jsaml.xml" and change the value of the "sso.authentication.provider.url" parameter to:
- https://localhost:8443/gateway/knoxssopac4jsaml/api/v1/websso
- https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox-ssopac4jsaml/webhdfs/v1/data/LICENSE.txt?op=OPEN
Great article. Was not sure where to find the Service provider config. It really helped. Thanks!