Thursday, September 6, 2018

Exploring an interop test scenario with Apache CXF Fediz in docker

I recently covered on this blog how to deploy the Apache CXF Fediz IdP in docker, as well as a "hello-world" application which uses the IdP for authentication (using either the WS-Federation and SAML SSO protocols). In that post, the user is instructed to select "realm A" (the home realm of the Idp) when prompted, and so the user is authenticated locally. In this article, we are going to take things a step further, and instead authenticate the user in "realm B", which will be an Apache CXF Fediz OpenId Connect IdP, also deployed in docker. So the "hello world" web application will speak WS-Federation to the first IdP, which in turn will redirect the user to the second IdP for authentication using the OpenId Connect protocol.

1) Setup the "realm B" IdP

First we'll look at setting up the "realm B" IdP. As our "realm A" IdP will be deployed on "localhost", we will deploy our "realm B" IdP on the domain "" to avoid problems with cookies. Create an entry in your '/etc/hosts' and map "" to your localhost IP address. Now clone the following project in github:
  • fediz-idp: A sample project to deploy the Fediz IdP
Create the STS image (no changes needed here from the previous blog entry):
  • cd sts; docker build -t coheigea/fediz-sts .
We'll need to change the IdP to instead load the "entities-realmb.xml" definitions. This contains two applications - the OpenId Connect IdP as well as the realm A IdP. Edit the Dockerfile and uncomment the line about copying "" - this will switch the IdP to use "entities-realmb.xml" instead. In addition, change the references to "sts" to "stsrealmb". Now rebuild with:
  • cd idp; docker build -t coheigea/fediz-idp-realmb .
We also need to make a small change to the OIDC image to reflect the fact that it is running on "" instead of "locahost". Edit "fediz_config.xml" and change the "Issuer" URL to:
  • (changing both the domain + port)
Now rebuild with:
  • cd oidc; docker build -t coheigea/fediz-oidc .
Finally we copy the following docker-compose.yml + launch the IdP via "docker-compose up":
Once the IdP has started, open a browser and navigate to "". This is the client registration page of the Fediz OIDC IdP. Authenticate using credentials "ALICE" (password "ECILA") and register a new client for the "realm A" IdP using the redirect URI "https://localhost:10001/fediz-idp/federation". Click on the registered client and save the client Id and Secret for later.

2) Setup the "realm A" IdP

Now we will set up the "realm A" IdP. Discard the changes that were made in the "idp" directory. A pre-configured "entities-realma-oidc.xml" is available which contains the configuration necessary to connect to the realm B OIDC service. Edit this file and search for the "trusted-idp-realmB" bean definition. Change the "" and "client.secret" values to match those saved above when creating the client in the "realm B" client registration page. Next edit the Dockerfile and add the following line to copy the "entities-realma-oidc.xml" into the IdP configuration:
  • COPY entities-realma-oidc.xml $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/fediz-idp/WEB-INF/classes/entities-realma.xml
Then rebuild the IdP image:
  • docker build -t coheigea/fediz-idp .
Before launching the "realm A" IdP via the docker-compose.yml in github, we need to edit it so that it launches on the same network as the "realm B" IdP in order to be able to reach it. Find the running docker instances via "docker ps" and then run "docker inspect" on one of the Ids. Look for the "Network" section and note the network name (for example: "tmp_default").

Now add the following configuration to docker-compose.yml and then launch the IdP via "docker-compose up":
  • networks:
          name: tmp_default
3) Run the "fediz-helloworld" application

Finally, we need to make one small tweak to the "fediz-helloworld" application. Edit the "fediz_config.xml" file and change the role "ClaimType" to be optional. This is because the "STS" in "realm A" is not configured to map or retrieve a role claim for users in "realm B". Rebuild and launch the helloworld application:
  • docker build -t coheigea/fediz-helloworld .
  • docker run -p 8443:8443 coheigea/fediz-helloworld
Open a browser and navigate to "https://localhost:8443/fedizhelloworld/secure/fedservlet". Select "Realm B Description" when asked to choose a home realm in the "realm A" IdP. The browser is then redirected to the "Realm B" IdP (authencate using "ALICE" and "ECILA"). The "Realm A" IdP will obtain an IdToken from the "Realm B" OIDC for the user "ALICE", and then swap it for a SAML Token via the STS. This is then returned to the "fediz-helloworld" application via WS-Federation. Note that the landing page now shows the user as "ALICE" (whereas before the realm A user was the lowercase "alice").

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